Information on our Newsletter
Which information do I get?
If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will receive information on blog posts, features, offers, and services on our website on Thomas Pynchon’s works and their contexts (free of charge).
Double Opt-In and Opt-Out
After your first opt-in on our website you receive an email in which we provide a link to confirm your subscription. You can opt-out or unsubscribe any time, e.g. by clicking on the link provided in our newsletter.
How often do we send our newsletter?
Once subscribed, you will receive our newsletter at least twice a month. We might send it more often, however, if we wanted to raise your attention to (new) blog posts, features, services, and offers on Reading Pynchon.
In order to improve our newsletters we check if they are opened by our readers and on which links our readers click.
The mail provider we use
We use the mail provider ActiveCampaign to send our newsletters. Email addresses and data concerning the subscription process, in line with legal requirements, and statistical data are being stored on the servers used by ActiveCampaign.
Privacy Policy
Read our newsletter-related privacy policy to get more information on the mailing service, statistics, data storage, and your rights to revoke your consent to the terms mentioned in our privacy policy.